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Rude people cost employers money

2007 study published in the Academy of Management Journal reports workplace incivility costs companies $14,000 per employee because of lost productivity and work time. And perhaps even more disturbing, a 2016 study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology reports that incivility is contagious. Just as kindness can be "paid forward," so can rude behavior.


We’re after these

Interestingly my inbox doesn't show you ever bothering to review panel patches, so maybe you should be more careful about your assumptions.

You've given me no reason to believe you.

Let me make myself more clear for you to understand.

How it works?

Respect is the key to good relationships with colleagues

01 / Pause

Detects and highlights language that is likely to trigger a conflict.

02 / Feedback

Suggests better alternatives.

03 / Analyze

Provides you with a monthly report, detailing how many alerts were triggered compared to the last month, and the most common problems.

"Spell-checker" for empathy

Everybody has their own way of communicating. It is influenced by cultural backgrounds, the way someone was raised, temperament, and much more. We often tend to assume the worst when communication is not clear.

Better teamwork


Good relationships are at the heart of good teamwork. According to multiple surveys, good relationships with colleagues give workers greater job satisfaction than having a good salary.


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